Under the C is a team which was created for Queendom Puzzle's 3rd round, Re-mix Battle. The team competed with the song "Dance The Night Away", originally by TWICE, and placed 5th with 166 votes.
Behind Photo[]
Queen's Secret Note[]
--퀸덤퍼즐-풀버전- ♬ Dance The Night Away - Under the C(보라, 서연, 연희, 지원, 채린)(원곡-트와이스) @리믹스배틀 -QUEENDOMPUZZLE
3rd Round: "Re-mix Battle"[]
--퀸덤퍼즐-Full CAM- ♬ Dance The Night Away - Under the C (보라, 서연, 연희, 지원, 채린) @리믹스배틀 -QUEENDOMPUZZLE
--퀸덤퍼즐-직캠- Under the C - 보라 (BO RA) ♬ Dance The Night Away @리믹스배틀 -QUEENDOMPUZZLE
--퀸덤퍼즐-직캠- Under the C - 지원 (JI WON) ♬ Dance The Night Away @리믹스배틀 -QUEENDOMPUZZLE
--퀸덤퍼즐-직캠- Under the C - 연희 (YEON HEE) ♬ Dance The Night Away @리믹스배틀 -QUEENDOMPUZZLE
--퀸덤퍼즐-직캠- Under the C - 채린 (CHAE RIN) ♬ Dance The Night Away @리믹스배틀 -QUEENDOMPUZZLE
--퀸덤퍼즐-직캠- Under the C - 서연 (SEO YEON) ♬ Dance The Night Away @리믹스배틀 -QUEENDOMPUZZLE
Episode Clips[]
-EN-JP- --퀸덤퍼즐-3회- 심장이 콩닥콩닥💦 배틀 D-1 미리듣기 결과 가장 기대되는 팀 오픈! - -QUEENDOMPUZZLE Mnet 230627 방송
Heart beating💦 D-1 preview before the battle result. The most anticipated team, open!
-EN-JP- --퀸덤퍼즐-4회- 💥충돌에서 하나로💙 마침내 한 팀이 된 Under the C -QUEENDOMPUZZLE - Mnet 230704 방송
💥Conflict to becoming one💙 Under the C as a team at last
-EN-JP- --퀸덤퍼즐-4회- ♬ Dance The Night Away - Under the C (보라, 서연, 연희, 지원, 채린)-QUEENDOMPUZZLE - Mnet
"Dance The Night Away" - Under the C (Bora, Seoyeon, Yeonhee, Jiwon, Chaerin)
Behind the Scenes[]
-EN-JP- --퀸덤퍼즐-스페셜- 소개팅 아니고 게임 중➰ 존댓말 늪에 빠진 〈Dance The Night Away〉팀 100초 아이콘택트 -QUEENDOMPUZZLE
"Dance The Night Away" Team 100 second eye contact
It's not a blind date, it's a game➰ I'm drowning in honorifics